I have always had many irons in the fire. A point of pride. Until I turned 45 and my mind forcibly slowed down, before or after my body did who knows, who cares, I'd go from wanting to be a opera singer to mechanic in a relative short period of time. I didn't understand until I became very much older, say 45, that I didn't fail lifelong aspirations. After all I did not, obviously, become a mechanic neither an opera singer, nor the other 20 things I wanted to be. It's just for a very short or prolonged period of time I had a passionate cause I believed in which everyone, including myself, must become more enlightened and therefore a better person by knowing all there was to know about said current obsession.
I have had 2 passions that have outlived all others. I have suppressed them in all sorts of ways. For honorable causes such as raising God fearing, decent citizens and simple laziness. The very fact that when we fall in love with a subject, absorb all we can, become novices; suddenly we...I realized I, only understand a fraction of what I want to know! How frustrating for someone already strung out too thinly, way to much on the plate and way too many needy ones about. Too much work to learn anything more than what an armchair quarterback can offer. There even have been times I thought, embarrassingly, that that was enough to constitute me offering my opinion on the subject, only to seriously fall short and flat on my face as a know-it-all knowing nothing...
I want to be...
#1. a writer. That is going to take a lot of work and way more practice than I've committed to in the past. I finally finished a book...in my head. Don't worry I have been taking notes. In time it will work out. And it won't be written in a houseboat floating down the Amazon. I fear that would be too distracting. And, I conclude, I would be missing out on grandchildren. And seriously getting down and making myself type right - that would be a wonderful skill to master....uuuugh!
#2. A alternative medicine practitioner. I can't get away from wanting to help people feel better. It's so important to me that I myself feels better, you should too. I want to say and do something for you - if you wanted me to. I have so many friends that suffer from issues and it makes me almost want to have that problem just to find out how to overcome it!
"Become a Faster EFT Practitioner" "Become an Energy Healer" yadda yadda yadda. Or more down to to earth how about going back to what I wanted to do before my babies were born: A master herbalist.
At the library I pulled Dr. Christopher's Every Woman's Herbal off the shelf for the 3rd time. At the back I "saw" for the first time: Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing. Really! I looked it up and it's a total can-do for me! I am so excited. I found a blog writer who actually offers $100 off for signing up using her affiliate link. I even have the blessings of Christian!
Oh, I know. Its a baby steps thing and maybe Master Herbalist is too far down the road at this point to talk about. But to actually start, oh, my. I already have 3 of his books!
As I go along I can get sidetracked after the Family Herbalist course (beginner) and grab a course in Reflexology, and or Iridology (while I love the idea I don't see myself there in that one) or Aromatherapy!!! (that is something I could get started on).
So this winter, during hibernation time I hope to get started on my way to be a Master Herbalist, well at least a Family Herbalist. I should blog about it, even just for the writing practice. After all I am a bit more grown up this year.
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