Every new health book I read red alert alarms go off if Christian spots me. I have to stick with this for a year, he says. OK OK I agree, I'm just educating myself further. Like if you are as equally ignorant and obsessed with the microbiome as me you will be reading Eat Dirt by Dr. Josh Axe . I've seen him on a few youtube videos on the subject. For a dramatic country girl like me, who couldn't pass it up for the sake of the title alone, this is more than reseeding my gut - my brain is sprouting under this read. I'll admit I'm beginning to embarrass myself by my book selection from the library. As I am about to decide if this or that is a book for me I mentally carry myself thru the check-out and Soft-Spoken's gentle smile: was she wondering why with all the books I read on health was I still so fat? Oh, I got sidetracked...3rd stage of The Prime.
Changes Observed.
- People think I've lost weight. I shout, YES!!! 3lbs.
- Cravings down 57% (intuitive number )
- Energy picking up at last - ever so slightly
- Hunger pains are in a different place- for what ever that means
- Swelling in legs and ankles 50% improvement
- The #2 bathroom trip is sometimes twice a day, no less than once. 100% improvement
- Consistent weight loss (up down up down)
- Scale obsession
- Puffiness under eyes
- Slowing down
- Deep Breathing
- Fatigue
Adrenal Insufficiency
Glucose Intolerance
Kidney Stress
Liver Stress
Life Expectancy 2 weeks...a closer look proved that one wrong but only after the meltdown and then letting Christian read the report.
Lets tie some stuff together.
- The Prime says slow down and rest
- Quiz from the Eat Dirt story reports: Stressed Gut
- Hair Analyses emphatically specify that none of my imbalances will heal unless I get my stress under control.
There are a few huge factors that recently transpired in our family that we felt would make a big difference: As a family and home business we are out of debt as of 3 weeks ago. I no longer have to help support the family income. But when I made the public announcement, I feel like I shut down, went numb. Shouldn't that have fixed it all? Something obvious is not coming together in my mind.
It's sad too, when Christain expressed the hope that it would be the magic word that would lift me out of my fog. I feel like I've failed him that way. Alleviate a stress only to exchange it for another...
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