My goal last week while I was waiting on my package from Mountain Meadow Herbs (MMH). I wanted to drop below a certain point (I'm so close!) so that I would only have to take 2 droppers of tincture instead of 3 as is recommender for my weight. Sigh. totally bombed that plan!
So my package came Thursday. Right away I opened it and tasted the shake and the drops...
The drops are very bitter - as most tinctures go it isn't unusual. The shake totally BLUGH tasting, totally. There is nothing there that I would desire it. No gimmicks, no sugar coating, actually not a lot of flavor either except that the spirulina is quite strong. I can't taste one bit of the spices or vanilla the spirulina is so powerful. But do I need it to taste good?
Now, lets compare it to Plexus Protein Drink I tried out last month. That too was totally evil. It tasted so sweet and artificial - didn't even make me feel better, the rest of it is still in the cupboard. Ok, so you know if you're a health nut when tastes good means healthy tasting. Lets just say that the MMH shake tastes and looks very healthy. And I can eat or drink just about anything if I know it will do me good. I've trained my kids to do that too.
About the shake:
I mix 2 level scoops into a pint jar with an inch or two of water and 2 or 3 ice cubes. I fill it up with water, cap the jar and shake it. Then I sit there and look at it, green and a bit gritty, take a deep breath and down the hatch. And to make this sad story a bit brighter every day it gets easier!
I am thinking at this point that the shake is very satisfying and filling. I am still working on when the best time of day is to drink the shake - so far this week breakfast works out best.
About the drops:
I have been faithful to take them no more and no less than 30 before a meal. I really think there is a decrease in hunger. I actually feel like I hardly eat. And I need to be careful that I do - goodness knows how that always backfires on me! So it does control the appetite.
Goal this week:
No obsessing over food. at. all. Just be normal but replace a meal with the shake. Oh, eat more veggies and fruit. Why should that be so hard? I don't know yet, I'll write about that next week!
Any Weight Lost:
Nooo. Gained 1 lb, actually. At first I was loosing a lb a day then up and down. But let me finish: I have had some serious water retention issues that haven't been going away complete over night. As well as 5 to 7 lbs gain thru out the day here and there - all most likely water weight considering where I am in my monthly cycle. I am thinking that this week wasn't making me a good candidate for this project! I am not going to hold this gain issue to the product. I am currently looking into lymph detoxing - according to my symptoms I'm a classic for Fake Fat (water retention sluggish lymph drainage).
At this point I am not sure if I should stop MMH WL Formula until I get my lymph system running better - like, is it wasting a good product? But my herbs haven't arrived yet to get that started.
I do not think that the water retention is a result of the drops, I did this same thing last month, uuuugggghh!
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