Friday, January 15, 2016

Lymph Detox Research

Wow! I may have found my Fountain of Youth! Or rather more maturely said: an Unexplored Road to Recovery.

I'm digging deeper into The Prime by Kulreet Chaudhary, MD. I've been reading only. I haven't put anything into practice yet - except dry brushing ( that I was doing wrong) and the alternating hot and cold shower. I've never had all my symptoms listed in one health treatment. I just wonder why no one suggested this...I mean I have been going to chiropractors, medical massage therapy, bio-energetic screening.  Or, here's a thought - it showed up as a weakness that I didn't understand or disregarded, or (doubting Thomas steps in) "Here's another goose chase for ya, Girlie!"

Ok, well what of it? Does getting the lymph system running help with the following:
Edema in legs and ankles?
Improve digesting and bloating?
Puffy eyes?
4 or 5lb  weight gain and loss within 24hrs?

According the Prime it does! I am limited to be sure, in my level of intelligence, but what my pea brain is saying is: these are all my symptoms (among others that I have that I don't worry about like
1)  cellulite -who cares, and
2)  not really able to sweat- that's handy,
3)  achy and stiff when I've been sitting - duh! get off your butt!,
4)  gaining weight around menstrual cycle - doesn't everybody?-no)
All the above tribute to a sluggish lymph system.

So off to use:
1) my new rebounder (mini trampoline),
2) a dry brushing session (the right way this time) and
3) a hot and cold alternating shower. It's a start until all my tea comes in the mail - drat the split order!
 I want to start it all now!

I feel like I'm going nuts sometimes...especially blogging about it. It's safe and ok swimming around in my head, or taking chances and confessing to Christian, but actually blogging about my crazy health notions?! Hopefully cautious and wise readers will just smile and move on to more stable reading environments.

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