Saturday, December 26, 2015

Essential Oils ~ How to Apply:Feet

Well folks, I've got 1 year of experience under my belt of using essential oils, and I don't know much. This should be the end of this blog post right here! But, no, I am forever wanting to talk about using essential oils and how wonderful they are and how they have helped my family! A five star review and tiny paragraph just isn't fulfilling enough.

As a novice oiler and a obsessive researcher, I'm not really good a retaining information either. There's always something glittery to distract me. But I do pick up some goodies and nothing beats hands on experience. One day I'll have my qualifications! Right now it's all about learning and trying things out that make sense to beginners like me.

One of my favorite ways to apply essential oils is on the bottoms of the feet. I have a handy chart of reflexology nearby to guide me for the best places to stimulate in individual  situations. My favorite success story is last summer when I had allergy problems and a wretched stuffed nose especially at night. I would diffuse Breathe or Breathe Ease blends, or rub the oils on my chest and even on my face (not very good idea - burns my sensitive tender face parts like inside my nostrils and eyes). One time I tried just just rubbing the oils on my feet along with a carrier oil. By the time I had laid down I could feel my sinus passages popping open and relief was achieved within minutes. Less oils and quicker results - win win.

So, the carrier oils are the best way to get one or two drops of oil all over the bottom of your feet. I have several roller bottles of blends already diluted with a good carrier oil ready to apply where ever needed especially the bottoms of the feet!

This is what we do:

A cypress blend for one of my sons who has trouble wetting the bed. We tried over the bladder area but did not have the results as applying the blend on the bottom of the feet (concentrating where the bladder area in reflexology). I do this for him every night.

A Breathe blend during times of sinus trouble (as explained above).

An Immune strengthening blend during sickness. Only when the family gets down or acts peaked.

I am currently experiment on applying grapefruit and a metabolic blend, since I decided not to ingest them. It is a little early to share results - if any.

Also I am going to try my digestive blend on the soles of my feet and see if that is a more effective area. I was rubbing it on my belly (it works!) but my skin was getting a little dry and itchy - a good sign to quit or find another place to get thru my system.

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