I am not keeping up here. Could be for a lack of enthusiasm for the previous Plan. The previous plan, I said, sigh.
Call it jumping ship, switching canoes midstream, flake off, etc. But on the positive side I think I'm learning something and rather than be mule stubborn I've stopped, rethought, and I'm ready to share the new plan...see, I kind of warned you about how amusing this might be!
To finish off the previous thought thread:
I lost 1 lb last week. Boooooring.
My thoughts on the MMH Weightloss Formula:
It works, by which I mean it really controls the appetite. The shake is very nourishing. Done.
I'd say I could loose 1 lb on my own for that matter - didn't need a product to get me that. Now 2 or 3 lbs I'd be impressed. (Oh hush you, you "healthy weight loss is slow and gradual" people - you are right but just hush).
I mentioned this before and I'm switching campfires to insure that slow and gradual healing!
It's The Prime by Kulreet Chuadhary. I'm telling you this has to be the closest thing I've read in years to sounding reasonable! The promise is spontaneous weightloss. The goal is a healthy and smart gut. The outcome is proper communication between brain and gut brain, nutrient absorbtion, and all the other factors that come with balance.
For 2 weeks now I've been reading, re-reading again. Now I'm 4 days into actually doing and I have added to my daily duties:
Rebounding for at least 10 minutes - I actually am loving this - especially if I have a story on tape, much easier on the body and no swelling in my legs whatsoever!
Dry Brushing (as ordered in phase 1 - even got one from Amazon rather than scratching myself to pieces with my luffa sponge, which happens to be on the very unsoft side).
Hot and cold shower - Read on line for lymph movement.
Essential Oil massage to stimulate flow and detoxing
Fiber - as directed by The Prime (ok, 1tsp ground flaxseed and 1 tsp psyllium seed in a glass of water every other night)
Triphala - as well directed by The Prime.
Prime Tea - 1 tsp each of cumin, fennel, coriander seed, and manjistha powder. Tastes a bit odd but not unbearable at all.
Deep Breathing - I am not practicing this like I want to. I'd say this one needs the most work.
I call it my Super 8 on my calendar where I am keeping track of eating style (so far it's: terrible, light, normal), morning weight and (shudder) evening weight, BM and I'll not share my descriptions.
Too soon to give any supported claims or discoveries.
I hated the thought of writing this post.
I hate the thought of the previous plan going under, but seriously if I want to loose weight I need to heal my belly first. It would be a waste to take the other program any further, and results weren't amazing anyhow, and I'm glad.
I think this is the right track for what I'm asking out of life. No, not being a flake, just taking care of a problem inside out.
I'm being true to my ONE WORD: Persevere
Remember Mrs. Workhard and her 35 lb weightloss? Well, she talked me into reading the book that helped her...you know I'll be raving about that one too - because it is worth a thought or two as well!
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