Wednesday, December 30, 2015


While I'm waiting for my special new thing package...forgive me for catering to my personality. I want to implement the  plan.

Truth. I am vegetarian. Sad, sorry vegetarian. I don't eat as many vegetables as what I should. No, not lots of bread or pasta either. I'd say I eat mostly beans and other grains. I hardly ever eat fruit. This could use loads of improvement. It looks like a good daily diet scrutiny may help the whole family!

I want to put more positive energy into our diet:

Vegetables - practice getting 3 servings in everyday, as well as 3 servings of fruit.

Salads - not my typical pile of romaine and the easiest dressing I can find.
  •  soaked and toasted ground nuts and seeds - have this already prepared.
  • Raw
  • tasty dressings
  • Quinoa - anther grain! Arrgg!
  • other veggies like cauliflower and carrots as a base to alternate with cabbage or romaine
No Sweets - I can do this without much fuss, but my sweet heart has trouble. Hey, I don't feel sorry for him, you know guys, all they have to do is stop eating that whole bag of peanut M&Ms and they loose 20lbs!

Exercise - keep up the workout and get a walk in. The fresh air and out-of-the-house feel sounds great!

Water - Keep drinking a few or more quarts a day. Help my partner in crime drink more by adding a lemon wedge or something to make drinking more exciting.

That's it. No groundbreaking unusual stuff. Keep it simple. Keep it real...oh, I'll eat sweets again eventually but I can stop for a while to give this an extra punch. OK, Lets give it all we got! *RAH! RAH! RAH!*

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